We are delighted to announce the launch of the Miss Keltruck 2009 calendar now available for sale from your local Keltruck depot with all proceeds going to the Ellie Bishop Trust.
Visit keltruck.com/depots to locate your nearest depot or e-mail Kris Benbow to order your calendar for collection from Keltruck’s head office in West Bromwich on junction 1 of the M5. Minimum donation of £15. Cheques payable to ‘Ellie Bishop Trust’. E-transfers can be made – e-mail Pam Young for the Trust’s sort code & account number.
Visit EllieBishop.org.
Kelly Marie Millington, 28, & Sandra Marie Lees, 23 – both from the West Midlands – modelled for the calendar which was shot by Nicola Holmes, daughter of Keltruck Used Sales Manager, Phil Holmes.

Andrew Bentley, MInst SMM
Head of Vehicle Contracts and Marketing
Tel: +44 121 524 1808
Mob: +44 7711 638 808